The Plot To Remove IGP Dampare: COP Mensah’s Lies And Contradictions Exposed

Russell Nketiah Tannor


The Plot To Remove IGP Dampare: COP Mensah’s Lies And Contradictions Exposed

How a senior police officer, COP George Alex Mensah, tried to use a politician, Daniel Bugri Naabu, to oust the Inspector General of Police, Dr George Akuffo Dampare, and failed miserably.

The Ghana Police Service has been rocked by a scandal involving one of its top officers, COP George Alex Mensah, who was allegedly caught on tape plotting to remove the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Dr George Akuffo Dampare, from his position. The scandal has sparked public outrage and prompted a parliamentary probe into the matter.

The scandal came to light when a leaked audio tape surfaced on social media platforms in July 2023. The tape contained a conversation between COP Mensah and Daniel Bugri Naabu, a former regional chairman of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP). In the conversation, COP Mensah was heard expressing his dissatisfaction with IGP Dampare’s leadership and performance. He accused him of suppressing dissent within the police service and favouring certain officers over others. He also claimed that IGP Dampare was working against the interests of the NPP and Vice President Mahamudu Bawumia, whom he supported.

COP Mensah then asked Bugri Naabu to help him lobby for political support to become the next IGP. He said that he had faith that Bugri Naabu could assist him in becoming the IGP because he had connections and influence within the NPP. He also promised to reward him with money and other benefits if he succeeded in his mission. He also hinted that he had plans to rig or influence the 2024 elections in favour of the NPP if he became the IGP.

The tape caused a stir among the public and the media, who questioned the integrity and professionalism of COP Mensah and his motives for wanting to oust IGP Dampare. They also praised IGP Dampare for his achievements and reforms since he assumed office in February 2023. They said that he had restored public confidence and trust in the police service and had handled several high-profile cases and operations with competence and impartiality.

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, ordered a probe into the matter and set up a seven-member committee to conduct a public hearing and investigate the allegations. The committee summoned COP Mensah, Bugri Naabu, and other witnesses to testify before them.

The hearing, which lasted for three days, revealed shocking details about the plot and the motives behind it. It also exposed the lies and contradictions of COP Mensah, who tried to defend himself but ended up incriminating himself further. Here are some of the key facts and revelations from the hearing:

  • COP Mensah admitted that he recorded the conversation with Bugri Naabu, but denied leaking it to the media. He claimed that he recorded it for his personal use and that someone else must have hacked his phone and leaked it.
  • However, Bugri Naabu contradicted him and said that he was the one who leaked the tape to the media. He said that he did so because he felt betrayed by COP Mensah, who had promised him money and other benefits if he helped him become the IGP.
  • COP Mensah also admitted that he had political affiliations with the NPP and that he was a sympathizer of Bawumia. He said that he had been lobbying for political support to become the IGP and that he believed that Bawumia would appoint him if he became the president.
  • However, he denied that he had any ill intentions against IGP Dampare or that he wanted to sabotage his work. He said that he only expressed his personal opinions about IGP Dampare’s performance and management style, which he considered to be poor and ineffective.
  • He also denied that he had any plans to rig or influence the 2024 elections in favour of the NPP. He said that he only wanted to ensure peace and security during the elections and that he respected the electoral laws and processes.
  • However, the committee played another leaked tape, which showed a video of COP Mensah meeting with another police officer, Superintendent Asare, who was also heard urging for the removal of IGP Dampare. In the video, COP Mensah was seen nodding and agreeing with Superintendent Asare’s statements.
  • The committee also presented evidence from IGP Dampare’s office, which showed that COP Mensah had been involved in several acts of insubordination, misconduct, and corruption. For instance, he had disobeyed orders from IGP Dampare, interfered with investigations, misused police resources, and solicited bribes from suspects.
  • The committee also heard testimonies from other witnesses, including security analysts, civil society groups, media practitioners, and police officers. They all confirmed that IGP Dampare was doing a good job as the head of the police service and that he had introduced several reforms and initiatives to improve the professionalism and efficiency of the police force.
  • They also praised IGP Dampare for his integrity, impartiality, and competence. They said that he had handled several sensitive cases and operations with diligence and fairness. They also commended him for his role in ensuring peaceful elections in 2020 and 2021.

The hearing concluded on September 4, 2023, with the committee thanking all the witnesses for their cooperation and promising to submit their report and recommendations to the Speaker of Parliament soon.

The scandal has exposed the rot and corruption within the Ghana Police Service and has raised questions about how such a senior officer could plot against his boss without any fear or remorse. It has also shown how some police officers are influenced by political interests and ambitions rather than serving their country with honour and loyalty.

The scandal has also highlighted the challenges that IGP Dampare faces in leading and reforming the police service. It has shown how some of his subordinates are working against him rather than supporting him. It has also shown how some politicians are trying to interfere with his work rather than respecting his authority.

As Ghanaians await the outcome of the probe and its implications for COP Mensah and others involved in the plot, they hope that justice will be served and that such incidents will not happen again. They also hope that IGP Dampare will continue to do his best to protect and serve the nation with integrity and professionalism.

What do you think about this issue? Do you think COP Mensah deserves to be punished or forgiven for his actions? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.


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