The Secret Method to Extract Avocado Oil that Everyone is Talking About

Russell Nketiah Tannor


The Secret Method to Extract Avocado Oil that Everyone is Talking About

You've probably seen videos of people putting avocados on the fire and wondered what they are doing. Are they trying to roast them, burn them, or make some kind of weird guacamole? Well, the answer is none of the above. They are actually extracting avocado oil from the fruit, and it's easier than you think!

Avocado oil is a healthy and versatile oil that can be used for cooking, frying, baking, salad dressing, hair, and skin care. It has a high smoke point of 250°C, which means it can withstand high temperatures without burning or losing its nutritional value. It is also rich in oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that lowers cholesterol and blood pressure, and antioxidants that fight free radicals and inflammation.

But why put avocados on the fire? Well, this is one of the methods to extract avocado oil at home, using just ripe avocados and a bit of patience. Here’s how to do it:

  • Peel 12 avocados and cut them in half. Remove the pits and scoop out the flesh into a blender or food processor. Puree until smooth and transfer to a medium-sized pot.
  • Cook the avocado puree over medium heat, stirring every five minutes. You will notice bubbles forming and oil rising to the surface.
  • Keep cooking until the puree turns dark green or brown and the water evaporates. This may take up to an hour or more depending on the amount of puree and the heat level.
  • Spoon the cooked puree into a bowl and cover it with a clean cloth. Turn the bowl upside down and squeeze the cloth to strain out the oil into another bowl. You may need to change your grip and squeeze for a few minutes until no more oil comes out.
  • Pour the oil into a bottle or a container with a lid. Store it in a cool and dark place or in the refrigerator.

And that’s it! You have just made your own avocado oil from scratch. You can use it for cooking, frying, baking, salad dressing, hair, and skin care. Enjoy!

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